Untitled (from the Glimmung series)
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Paul Swenbeck

Untitled (from the Glimmung series)

“Where the magic happens.” An overused phrase, to be sure, but if ever there was such a place it is the Arts/Industry residency program at Kohler Co. in Sheboygan, Wisconsin. Here, at a facility otherwise given over to manufacturing toilets and tubs, the full potential of a factory is regularly handed over to artists. The results are regularly amazing and this gorgeous hunk of cast brass is no exception. Fabricated by Joy Feasley and Paul Swenbeck at Kohler Co., it is part of Swenbeck’s series Glimmung, a title that connotes both luxurious décor and ghostly apparitions. In each work, a free-floating blob of ornament seems to lurch into near-life. Other works in the series have been rendered in cast iron, and resin with pigment.

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Paul Swenbeck
Cast brass
Contributing Gallery
Fleisher/Ollman Gallery
8.5 in × 16 in × 11.5 in
21.59 cm × 40.64 cm × 29.21 cm
Image credit: Courtesy the artist and Fleisher/Ollman; Photo: Claire Iltis
Untitled (from the Glimmung series)
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Untitled (from the Glimmung series)