◄ Overview
Jonathan Trayte
“Quirky” – it’s a word with an unfairly low reputation. Also a word that gets thrown around the British designer Jonathan Trayte quite a bit. When you stop to think about it, though – and Trayte’s work is an ideal prompt to do just that – quirks are downright fascinating: little sideways slides from the expected, the sort of thing that makes a person or an object worth knowing. They give a place its charm, a story its atmosphere. Trayte’s objects are, essentially, quirks in physical form. Each reminds you of things you’ve seen before, transformed through color and composition into an unforgettable new concoction. The recent sculpture Zonker is a perfect example. A pink pipe form – calling René Magritte! – serves as the base for a trio of forms, vaguely vegetal in outline.
Jonathan Trayte
Painted bronze, stainless steel, foam, polymer compound, pigments, flock
Contributing Gallery
Friedman Benda
9.5 in × 27.5 in × 4.75 in
24.13 cm × 69.85 cm × 12.065 cm
Image credit: Courtesy of Friedman Benda and Jonathan Trayte

Zonker, 2019
9.5 in × 27.5 in × 4.75 in
Painted bronze, stainless steel, foam, polymer compound, pigments, flock
Friedman Benda
“Quirky” – it’s a word with an unfairly low reputation. Also a word that gets thrown around the British designer Jonathan Trayte quite a bit. When you stop to think about it, though – and Trayte’s work is an ideal prompt to do just that – quirks are downright fascinating: little sideways slides from the expected, the sort of thing that makes a person or an object worth knowing. They give a place its charm, a story its atmosphere. Trayte’s objects are, essentially, quirks in physical form. Each reminds you of things you’ve seen before, transformed through color and composition into an unforgettable new concoction. The recent sculpture Zonker is a perfect example. A pink pipe form – calling René Magritte! – serves as the base for a trio of forms, vaguely vegetal in outline.