Tony Marsh
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Tony Marsh

Ice Cauldron, 2020
Glazed ceramic
14 1/2 x 9 x 8 1/2 inches
Contributed by Ago Projects

The eminent ceramist and educator Tony Marsh works in several discrete idioms, typically focusing his attention on the vessel form. One of his series is cleanly modeled, white, and perforated; another takes the form of low bowl forms, brimming with curious handmade objects; still another interprets the idea of containment in a more rectilinear fashion, with connections to architecture. The object included at the Noyes House is different from all of these. Sheathed in a spectacular blue glaze with crystalline accretions, it feels geologically extracted rather than hand-built. It is part of his Cauldron series – a term that could equally suggest a volcanic caldera or a witch’s brew, and are equally apt associations for the object.

This work is no longer available for sale. Please be in touch with Object & Thing for further information.

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Image credit:
Tony Marsh
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Tony Marsh